Church Clerk

As the church clerk for your congregation, spiritual gifts such as “helps, energy and orderliness” (1 cor 12:28) will help you be successful. 


The ministry to which a person is called when he or she becomes a church clerk involves the following:

  1. Record and keep church board and business meeting minutes

  2. Maintain membership records 
  3. Record baptisms
  4. Help prevent missing members (Identify and reach out to missing members)
  5. Maintain a list of committees (Maintain your church organization information list)
  6. Develop the church directory
  7. Update Union paper subscriptions (Add/Delete subscriptions)
  8. Record obituaries
  9. Report attendance

Time Commitment

One to two hours per week.


The main resource to help with your responsibilities is eAdventist, the web-based internet membership program for the North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists. eAdventist is where information is entered for baptisms, change of addresses, officer information, request and approve transfer of memberships and more. The software can also be used to email and text church members. 

An additional resource is the e-Adventist Demo site which allows clerks to explore and practice the functions listed above. To gain access to either site, contact the conference clerk. We invite you to visit the links and bookmark them for future reference and quick access.

It is critical that church information is kept current as the system populates several additional platforms across the division such as education systems, church and school websites, and the Adventist Yearbook. The Alaska Conference also uses the system to produce its directory, a resource that is available to your church as well.

The conference clerk will help you gain access to the system. It is highly suggested that you view tutorial videos as well as practice in the eAdventist demo site before making changes direct into eAdventist. 

The church clerk reports attendance to the Alaska Conference. This information is used in determining pastoral districts and staffing needs as well as supplied to the North Pacific Union Conference. Attendance can be entered into eAdventist, emailed to the conference clerk or submitted via the link in the resource tab to the right.


If you have questions about your responsibilities, please contact JoAnn Stevens, Alaska Conference Clerk.

Email Conference Clerk